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Technical Sales Center Email: sales@china-pdfc.com
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Controller for foam system or DCP system

Foam, dry powder system control cabinet
The standard requirements of NFPA and GB are met. PLCs of various brands and specifications can be selected.
The various parts of the fire control system can be controlled by pressure control.
Meet different control modes, remote control, local operation
Choose different levels of protection and explosion-proof according to need
Choose different feedback signals as needed

Product descriptionApplication fieldDownload

? According to NFPA and GB standard.  

? Professional industrial PLC ascore.

? Can be remote, local and wirelesscontrolled.

?Can be control the system accordingto pressure signal.

? Different IP degree and Ex-proofdegree for option.  

? Feedback signals confirmed according to project’s requirement.

Technical Sales Center:
石棉县| 津市市| 贵港市| 平乐县| 黔东| 东源县| 临西县| 永康市| 焉耆| 达日县| 开鲁县| 南宫市| 延津县| 获嘉县| 万州区| 昌邑市| 巫山县| 招远市| 乳山市| 年辖:市辖区| 雷州市| 彭水| 南靖县| 仁化县| 应城市| 桂林市| 肥乡县| 宣化县| 南阳市| 香河县| 江都市| 柯坪县| 白朗县| 敦煌市| 马公市| 临清市| 清原| 平定县| 信宜市| 凌海市| 义乌市|