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Monitor Tower

PT series fire turrets are suitable for various dangerous areas
Single, double or triple floors, as required by the project
Optional intermediate and rest platform
Adapt the programme to field requirements

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The monitor tower is engineered withstructure pipe and standard structure steel so that it can be shipped easily;then erected on any then erected on any site.

Due to the various size and types ofmonitors, PDFC Engineers have pre-determined supply piping options to feedvarious types and sizes of monitors. The monitors can be supplied from variousglobal manufacturers in both manual and electronic drive systems. Explosionproof electrical boxes and wiring are also available.

The foam monitor tower is a heavy dutysteel structure up to 30 meters high, that will accommodate remote controlledmonitors of various sizes.

A safety ladder is attached to the monitortower for access or escape, emergency manual operation of monitors, ormaintenance and service requirements.

Technical Sales Center:
定襄县| 汤阴县| 高台县| 开封县| 聊城市| 恩施市| 科技| 龙川县| 新密市| 资阳市| 邹城市| 剑川县| 长春市| 城固县| 洞口县| 黄大仙区| 应城市| 甘谷县| 新闻| 永安市| 理塘县| 元朗区| 田林县| 瓮安县| 布拖县| 当阳市| 吉木萨尔县| 崇左市| 哈密市| 鞍山市| 河源市| 济南市| 台北市| 灌云县| 黄大仙区| 临桂县| 屏山县| 江都市| 家居| 张家川| 普洱|