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Mobile Foam Extinguishing Unit

The container is made of polyethylene material, which has excellent corrosion resistance and is compatible with various foam fire extinguishing agents
Provide mobile fire protection
Flow: 8L/S
Volume: 300L

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The material of tank can be  stainless steel or fiberglass which has excellent non-corrosion qualities.

The tank capacity available to 300 liters / 80 gallons.

The units provides excellent mobile fire protection.

Technical Sales Center:
长垣县| 津市市| 宣化县| 英德市| 沧州市| 班玛县| 民县| 丹阳市| 大丰市| 宁津县| 丰顺县| 鲁甸县| 贵南县| 崇礼县| 元氏县| 达孜县| 崇左市| 无为县| 黄山市| 阿瓦提县| 花垣县| 察哈| 阳江市| 兴国县| 本溪| 深泽县| 清水县| 红桥区| 开封县| 平凉市| 昌黎县| 五常市| 丹凤县| 马龙县| 楚雄市| 临城县| 宾阳县| 镶黄旗| 崇仁县| 会泽县| 团风县|